Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Spring Seminar

Enjoy and Learn What's New!
    Our spring seminar at the Facial Surgery Center will be Tuesday, March 20 from 7-8:30 p.m.  It's a round table discussion about the latest ways to enhance your skin's appearance.  This format provides the opportunity to ask individual questions in an informal environment, and you'll see an alpha hydroxy peel demonstrated.
    We'll have refreshments and free skin care samples for all participants.  So mark your calendars now for a fun and informative evening.
    Seating is limited so please call our office at (513) 772-2442 to let us know you and your friends are coming.

1 comment:

  1. Recall the day before your bad breakout. Was there anything that you ate more than usual or never before. Food can certainly cause a breakout. Whenever I eat chocolate, I pay for it dearly! IF someone says food has nothing to do with it, they're just trying to sell you a product!
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